Thursday, April 17, 2008

First post in 40 something years

Well here I am joining the virtual world. Till now I’ve managed to master the art of email and forums, though you would probably describe me as more of a forum lurker than a contributor. Maybe that will change as I gain confidence. I tend to disappear into the world of cyberspace so often when I logon, finding that I can loose hours as I follow threads of information, links to unrelated gems that capture my attention. How can I ever read all this stuff? Maybe as Sir Arthur Clarke (2003) said,

· “Just as our ancestors quickly realized that no one was going to force them to read the entire library of a thousand books, we are now overcoming the initial alarm at the sheer weight of available information.”

These are small steps to overcoming my alarm and learning to participate in this interactive environment

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Great to see you have started the course.
